Meaningful connections make a meaningful difference.

Our Vision:

Youth and families thriving in a caring and connected community.

Our Mission:

Provide activities and opportunities to help youth & families thrive.

About Youth 360

Youth 360 is dedicated to providing safe and stimulating environments for youth to explore, learn, and grow. We believe that every young person needs connections with others and access to activities.

Families and community members can join us in building connections at our youth clubs in Houston and Wasilla and at our activities and events.

What we do

After School Youth Clubs: Fun, supportive and structured activities in Houston and Wasilla.

Teen Summer Programs: 9 weeks of activities, outings and connection opportunities.

Activity Scholarships: Youth 360 covers fees for approved school and community activities.

Family Connection Committee: Our parent, guardian and caretaker leadership team.

About our clubs
Our clubs are relaxed, fun places to connect with others after school and enjoy a wide range of activities.

Attendance is flexible and can be based on the needs of each student and their family.
Open every school day
From 2:15-6pm

• Houston High School
• Houston Middle School
• Wasilla Club at 501 E. Bogard Rd. Wasilla
* Transportation and food are available.

Our Impact

Over 1,200 students served in our youth clubs
340 scholarships provided for school and community activities
90% of participants say that Youth 360 has helped them build positive relationships
95% of participants say they enjoy the program
73% of participants feel they matter to people in their community (AK average 59%)

How to be involved

• Volunteer at our youth clubs
• Become a business partner
• Donate funds or supplies
• Join our Family Connection Committee

Contact information

Main Office: (907) 373-3613
Wasilla Club: (907) 376-0360
Houston MS Club: (907) 892-9465
Houston HS Club:(907) 892-9591

To receive text updates
text “Youth 360” to
(907) 745-5826